Cheese Making
When I have time I enjoy making different types of cheese, although cheddar is the most time consuming.

More News from the Hen House
We always have hens on the farm but they may vary in age and colour

Night Owls
We are lucky to have owls in the wild around us and they can often be heard at night.

Ethical, Responsible and Sustainable Tourism
This year we decided to enter the Ethical, Sustainable and Responsible Business category in the West Midlands Tourism Awards and are thrilled to have been shortlisted! We are 1 of 3 finalists and the winner will be announced at an event in the Spring.

The Story of our Bedroom Furniture
We are very lucky to have some wonderful antique pieces of furniture in the B&B and all have a personal story so I thought I might share some of them with you. The bedroom suite in the Red room has personal significance - here is the story behind it!